Anyone interested in helping as a Homebound Extraordinary Minister, please feel free to call Ginny Kussner at 815-275-8296 or email [email protected]. She will be happy to explain the duties to you. When there are enough ministers, you are only called upon ONCE A MONTH to visit the homebound. You cannot imagine how rewarding this ministry is to those who volunteer. To see the joy on the faces of the homebound when they see you and know you are bringing Jesus to them is so rewarding and fulfilling that it far outweighs any inconvenience or time consumed from your every day life. Remember, it is only ONCE A MONTH and takes only an hour or so out of your day.
PLEASE CONSIDER THIS MINISTRY. The Ministry is open to women, men and couples of the parish. Take it from one who was involved in the Ministry for 15 years prior to my ‘retirement,’ this is a VERY REWARDING Ministry. There are many others who have been involved in this Ministry longer than I was. Please consider volunteering.