That Man Is You! is an interactive men’s program combining research from science with the teachings of the Catholic Faith and the wisdom of the saints. By honestly addressing the pressures and temptations that men face in our modern culture, That Man Is You! seeks to form men who will be capable of transforming homes and society.
When: Wednesday Mornings
Where: St. Mary’s Catholic Church – Lower Level
6:00 a.m.: Greeting & Coffee
6:15 a.m.: Presentation
6:45 a.m.: Small Group Discussions
7:10 a.m.: Conclusion
For more information call or text Deacon Mike Alber at 630-269-7508
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Developer, That Man is You!
Founder & President, Paradisus Dei
During the Great Jubilee, Steve Bollman experienced a personal call to found a ministry dedicated to the renewal of marriage and family life. In 2002, he set aside his professional interests as an energy derivatives trader in Houston, Texas, to found Paradisus Dei. In 2004, Steve developed the That Man is You! Men’s program, which quickly moved across the country transforming men, marriages and families. Independent research by a Faith Advisor to The Gallup Poll identified it as one of the most life transforming programs ever studied.
For more information on the program, conferences, etc. go to