Summer Camp ~ Christus Sitas
June 23 – 28, 2024
St. Mary Church, Durand, Illinois
Our parish summer program Christus Sitas will be held for students entereing 1st grade through 12th grade the week of June 23-28, 2024. We will be following the format of Totus Tuus from previous years and holding our own version. There will be individual classes, Mass, rosary, breakout sessions, recess and on Friday afternoon a fun water day. Additionally we plan to provide lunch for everyone attending during the day program. Volunteers 18 years and older are needed (any college students home for the summer we would love to have you!) to run the day programs, along with additional JH/HS volunteers. Deacon Mike will run the evening programs for students entering 7-12th grades. Stipends are available for the core team postitions. See the flyer/registration form below or call the office at 815-248-2490 to volunteer or if you have any questions.